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'It can be quite emotional for parents': Why we mourn childhood stages

As term one commences, my youngest of three children will start kindergarten.When I was deep in the trenches of early parenting, reaching this milestone felt like a mirage of sorts — something far off in the distance that I'd never quite reach. Now that it's here however, it's more bittersweet than I imagined.Anecdotally, this is not an uncommon response to watching our kids move from one childhood stage to another. Whether yours is starting primary school, going through puberty or moving out of...

Forget New Year’s resolutions, this is the key to a more meaningful year

Not to be dramatic, but I’m pretty sure I’ve worked out the secret to life. Well, okay, maybe not the secret to life, but a secret for sure. Now of course this time of year is traditionally when New Year’s resolutions are optimistically tossed around even though research says that 80% of us will have abandoned them by mid-February. (Depressing much?) So, rather than setting yourself up to fail this year, why not tap into this little nugget of wisdom I’ve picked up in my travels.You see, in my wo...

What is ‘stimming’ and why is TikTok so obsessed with it?

Have you ever listened to a song over and over and over again because you felt like you were really vibing with it? Well, we’ve got some news for you. While you may have been doing that partly because, yes, that Chappell Roan song is catchy as hell, it could also be that listening to songs on repeat is one of your ‘stims’. Now, if you’re new to ‘stimming’ you’re not alone. Like a lot of trending topics, plenty of people have been learning about this one for the first time on TikTok. And with sev...

Are some things clearer when you're a kid?

When I was in primary school I used to write songs. They weren’t very sophisticated, or catchy, or any good at all really – I was no prodigy. Nevertheless, I was very fond of banging out my ballads on a second-hand, untuned piano we had in a voice of similar pitch. Some of my more memorable lyrics go a little something like this: When you’re old, you got some gold. When you’re young, you got someone. (Remember I told you: child genius, I was not.) There was another about hot tea and its propensi...

What does it mean to ‘sit with something’, anyway?

Hello! Welcome to the next instalment of Something I’m Sitting With. Now that we’re a couple of posts in, I thought it might be useful to unpack what it actually means to ‘sit with’ something. That is, both from a psychological and personal point of view, while also considering how my approach to this – and perhaps yours too (?) – has changed over time. Additionally, in this edition, I’ve included a few books I’ve literally been sitting with of late, which you can find below. So, if that all sou...

Why I became a ‘glimmer hunter’

Not to state the obvious, but we are living in challenging times. From the climate crisis that’s hanging over all our heads like a debt we cannot pay to the carnage of ongoing wars and atrocities around the world – it’s grim out there. Add to that, the increasing cost of living, societal issues with violence, the list goes on. And on. With the world seemingly going to hell in a hand basket, it’s hard for even the most stoic among us, not to occasionally despair.Despair, as defined by the Merriam...

I’m a writer who’s been in a writing slump.

Alright, I admit it, I’ve been a little off lately. Largely because I’m a writer who recently fell into a writing slump. Ugh.

I can’t say that any one thing was responsible for said slump. It was more like a series of small things – not getting enough rest, a bad case of PMS, school holidays, sick kids, a couple of writing rejections in a row – all converged to create the perfect slump storm. What I can say for sure is that during this time, my confidence was low, my anxiety was high and the ef

Float your foodie boat - Swell Magazine

You had me at ‘wine bar’. No seriously, let me explain. When a Newcastle institution like Flotilla says it’s opening a new venue, you can bet the foodies around town all lean a little further forward. Why? Well one, because the team behind Flotilla – which is owned by Silverchair’s Chris Joannou, Zach Scholtz and Eduardo Molina and has Jake Deluca as head chef – clearly knows what they’re doing. Consecutive Good Food Guide Chef’s Hats in both 2022 and 2023 don’t lie. And two, because when they s...

5 signs you might be suffering from ‘purpose anxiety’

In this era of wellness, ‘finding your purpose’ has become one of those terms like ‘following your bliss’ or ‘living your passions’. Lofty ideals, often touted as leading us towards our best selves, our best lives.

Purpose in particular, is regularly sold to us as something admirable we should strive towards. In fact, a quick Google search on the subject will reveal countless articles and entire wellness podcasts (I’m looking at you Jay Shetty) dedicated to the pursuit of it.

We’re told we’ll

TikTok’s convinced women should ‘cycle sync’ their workouts – but is it worth trying yourself?

As we’re well aware by now, TikTok loves a fitness trend. From cosy cardio to hot girl walks and grumpy girl stomps, there’s no shortage of advice to be found on FitTok. And the latest? With upwards of 500 million views, #CycleSyncing seems to be one of the most popular fitness trends of 2024 so far.

One TikTok alone by content creator, @annatrimms, has more than 2 million views. Clearly, people, presumably women, are connecting with the idea. But what exactly is cycle syncing and is it worth t

Always feel like crying on your birthday? There's a reason why.

I recently turned 42. It’s a bit of a blah number, sure. But for the most part, I'm not particularly bothered by getting older. Having unexpectedly lost a friend when we were both 39, every subsequent year feels like something to be especially grateful for, which I am.

Be that as it may, in the lead-up to my birthday this year I couldn't shake off what can only be described as an underlying sense of melancholy. It got worse as the day got closer and then on my actual birthday; I found myself co

A beacon of creativity - Swell Magazine

Anyone vaguely familiar with Newcastle will be familiar with Nobbys Lighthouse. Located on Nobbys-Whibayganba Headland, it is as much a part of Newcastle’s landscape as beautiful beaches and cargo ships on the horizon. Be that as it may, what visitors and locals alike, might not be so familiar with is how the lighthouse grounds are used during the week. I, for one certainly wasn’t, until recently.Rich in history, dating back to 1854 when it was established, Nobbys Lighthouse has weathered many a...

What are relationship ‘bids’ and why should you pay attention to them?

Ah relationships, they’re not always easy, are they? Between work, kids, and the daily grind even the best of them hit the occasional bump in the road. But what if we told you there was a statistically proven way to ensure the success of your relationship?

Well, according to John Gottman, renowned relationship expert, psychologist, and founder of The Gottman Institute, that’s exactly what understanding your partner’s ‘bids’ can do.

Thicker than water - Swell Magazine

There are fewer family names more synonymous with Hunter Valley wines than Tyrrell’s. Now in its 165th year of operation, you might put Tyrrell’s longevity down to staying power. However, in speaking to executive chairman and fourth generation family member, Bruce Tyrrell AM, it quickly becomes clear that would be taking a simplistic view.It takes more than stamina to keep any business, let alone a family one, running for over one hundred and fifty years. What it does take, Bruce isn’t quick to...

Making this small change dramatically improved my life and it was all about the dos and don'ts of everyday life

The idea was raised in a recent session with my psychologist.

I was expressing my belief that if I could just get up a bit earlier each day to meditate, my overall wellbeing would improve.

I expected my psychologist to agree and gently encourage me to find ways to prioritise it. Instead, she suggested I might be better off finding ways to do less, instead of adding more to my already jam-packed schedule.

It caught me by surprise. Like a lot of people, I've been conditioned to believe that doi

A labour of literary love - Swell Magazine

It was a dreary mid-week afternoon at work when Amy Lovat received the phone call she’d been dreaming of. Like all good stories, it involved a racing heart and running in the rain. However, unlike in the movies, upon reaching her car, taking the call and finding out she had just secured a book deal, Amy didn’t know what to feel.“It’s so funny because you spend so much time imagining how you’re going to feel in that moment, but I just immediately got into my head. I was putting so much pressure o...

'I was forced to completely rethink how I exercise in my 40s. I wish I'd done it sooner.'

I firmly believed I had to end up red-faced and dripping in sweat every time I exercised or it didn’t count. This new program has turned all that on its head. I don’t feel like I’m going to my edge every time I train, but I’m getting great results and I’m missing fewer sessions because the recovery time is a lot lower. This feels revolutionary to me and it seems I’m not the only one.

In a recent interview with ELLE magazine, Jennifer Aniston shared that she’s recently come to a similar conclusi
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